Level 8
#106 Arkhana Deville
Among fairy-kind, Arkhana Deville serves as judge, jury, and executioner - though she prefers the term "equaliser." When humans or other races harm fairy folk, she becomes their shadow, waiting for the perfect moment to deliver precisely measured vengeance.
Her method of justice is coldly calculated: the punishment always mirrors the crime. Those who merely disturb fairy circles might find themselves tripping into thorn bushes, while those who deliberately harm fairy folk meet far darker fates. She's known for her patience, sometimes stalking targets for months until the perfect opportunity presents itself.
What makes her particularly unnerving is her methodical approach to revenge. Unlike other fairies who might act on impulse, Arkhana carefully plans each retribution to appear as unfortunate accidents or natural consequences. Her victims never see her coming - they simply experience a series of escalating "mishaps" until justice is served.
As she often whispers to those who've earned her darkest attention, "Karma needs a helping hand sometimes, and I have very skilled hands indeed."

#107 Arnaud The Butcher
In the darkest corners of Alastria's wilderness, Arnaud the Butcher has turned cannibalism into a straightforward business. No elaborate hunting strategies, no complex preparations - when he's hungry, he simply attacks whoever's nearest, dragging them back to his cave with brutal efficiency.
His lair is marked by a macabre collection of skulls mounted on short pikes - a warning display that most travelers spot too late. The arrangement isn't artistic or ceremonial; it's purely practical, like a merchant's sign advertising their trade. Each skull represents a meal, nothing more, nothing less.
What makes Arnaud particularly terrifying is his complete lack of ceremony or ritual about his killing. Unlike other monsters who might play with their food or have specific hunting patterns, he approaches murder with the same casual attitude others might have about picking fruit. When hungry, he kills. When full, he waits.
As nearby villagers warn travelers, "If you hear something that sounds like a butcher's cleaver being sharpened, you're already too close to his cave."

#108 Belthremmor Verge
In the mysterious ruins of Mesafire stands Belthremmor Verge, a creature that seems pulled from ancient nightmares. With the horned head of a lion atop a muscular human torso, and massive clawed feet that leave distinctive marks in the scorched desert sand, this mythical guardian cuts an imposing figure against the ruins' weathered stones.
His machete, worn from countless battles with those who dare venture too close to whatever he protects, gleams with an otherworldly sheen. Scholars debate what treasure or secret could be so valuable that it requires such a fearsome guardian, but Belthremmor offers no answers - only swift and violent response to any who venture too close to the ruins.
What makes him particularly intriguing is his unwavering dedication to his mysterious purpose. Through centuries of changing empires and shifting sands, he remains at his post, protecting something so ancient that even the oldest texts make no mention of what it might be.
As desert guides warn their clients, "The ruins of Mesafire hold two mysteries - what Belthremmor guards, and why he guards it. Those who seek either answer tend not to return."

#109 Beni Crass
Among the elven enclave, Beni Crass stands out not for his exceptional abilities or dramatic feats, but for his genuine, unwavering commitment to protecting Alastria and its people. While other elves might view humans with detachment or superiority, Beni sees them as part of the same future he's sworn to defend.
His dedication to safeguarding Alastria's children and future generations isn't born from some tragic backstory or hidden agenda - he's simply a genuinely good person who believes in doing what's right. In a world of complex motivations and hidden schemes, his straightforward wholesomeness almost seems radical.
What makes him remarkable is his consistency. Whether dealing with noble families or common folk, his commitment to protection remains the same. He treats his role not as a burden or a duty, but as a privilege, often saying that watching Alastria's children grow up safe is reward enough.
As he often tells young guards in training, "Being a protector isn't about glory or recognition - it's about making sure there's a tomorrow worth waking up to."

#110 Bertrand Maximo
In Alastria's deadliest circles, Bertrand Maximo has elevated assassination into a glamorous art form. Her stunning beauty serves as both weapon and shield, disarming targets moments before her trusted dagger "Rolo" finds their neck. She treats combat like a dance, though one without rules or mercy.
Her loyalty extends only to her own race, and even then, it's conditional. Where others might be bound by codes of honor or combat ethics, Bertrand follows only one rule: win with style. She's notorious for using every advantage - from feminine wiles to dirty fighting techniques - viewing them all as equally valid tools in her arsenal.
What makes her particularly dangerous is how she combines lethal efficiency with theatrical flair. Her victims often die admiring her beauty or charmed by her smile, never suspecting the deadly intent behind her allure. She takes pride in making each kill look effortless, almost elegant.
As she often purrs while cleaning Rolo's blade, "Beauty is the perfect distraction - by the time they remember to be afraid, they're already dead."

#111 Esme Shagai
What started as child's play turned into something extraordinary when Esme Shagai discovered she could tear holes in reality itself. During a simple game of hide-and-seek, she created her first portal - only to step through and find herself on the opposite side of Alastria, bewildered and amazed.
Her unique ability to create these spatial tears comes with considerable uncertainty. Each portal is a gamble - while she can create the openings at will, predicting where they'll lead remains challenging. Some days she might step through and end up a few streets away, other times she could emerge in distant lands she's never seen before.
What makes her particularly intriguing is the trial-and-error nature of her developing power. She keeps detailed journals of her attempts, noting weather conditions, her emotional state, and other factors that might influence where her portals lead. Some theorize she's slowly gaining more control, while others wonder if the unpredictability is an inherent part of her gift.
As she often says before stepping through another portal, "Life's more interesting when you don't know where you'll end up."

#112 Granithold
Behind a mask that conceals his mutilated face, Granitehold carries both the physical and psychological scars of his near-fatal encounter with Platius Silth. Where his jaw once was, there's now only a horrific reminder of how close death came that day in the desert. Yet his eyes, visible above the mask, reveal not fear or trauma, but a calculating patience of a predator waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Since that brutal battle, he's transformed his survival into a mission. Every decision, every action, every breath draws him closer to his ultimate goal - Silth's destruction. Unlike many seeking revenge, Granitehold approaches his quest with methodical precision, studying his enemy's patterns and preparing for their inevitable rematch.
What makes him particularly dangerous is how his disfigurement has stripped away any hesitation or mercy. Without the ability to speak, his actions have become his voice, and every move brings him closer to his final confrontation with the desert troll who took his face.
As he communicates through written notes: "Some men hunt for glory. I hunt for completion."

#113 Imp Verkich
As General David Targe's right hand, Imp Verkich has mastered the delicate art of keeping a brilliant leader grounded. Her eye-rolls and pointed questions have become legendary among the troops, who've learned that when Imp starts questioning the General's plans, even he stops to reconsider.
Despite her often skeptical demeanor, her loyalty to Targe is absolute. She believes in his vision and leadership completely - she just happens to believe that part of her job is making sure he considers every possible way his plans could go wrong. Her tendency to play devil's advocate has saved countless lives and turned potential disasters into victories.
What makes their relationship unique is its foundation of mutual respect. Targe values her criticism as much as her support, knowing that her questioning comes from a place of dedication to their shared goals. Meanwhile, Imp's apparent irreverence masks a deep faith in his leadership.
As she often says while reviewing battle plans, "Someone has to ask 'what if?' - and since I'm already here..."

#114 Mother Agatha
In the Battle of Austri Towers, Mother Agatha made the ultimate sacrifice, turning what seemed like certain defeat into a bittersweet victory. As General David Targe's adoptive mother, she shaped not just his life but his understanding of what true sacrifice means.
Her final stand at Austri Towers became the stuff of legend - a protector who, in the face of overwhelming odds, gave everything to save what mattered most. Her loss devastated both David and his right hand, Imp Verkich, who had come to see Mother Agatha as a maternal figure in her own right.
What made Mother Agatha extraordinary wasn't just her final sacrifice, but the way she lived - raising a future general while serving as a guardian of Austri. She instilled in David not just military strategy but the deeper understanding that leadership means protecting those who depend on you, no matter the cost.
Her last words to David and Imp were reportedly, "It wasn't supposed to end like this David, I will never forget you and your brother and the happiness you brought me. You were always such a good boy."

#115 Oscar Frostblood

#116 Shaman Vaas

#117 The Orc Bride

#118 Tricia the Slaver

#119 Winnifred Taylor

#120 Zzyth